A Note from Pastor Ryan

“I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” Ephesians 1:16

I could not agree with the Apostle Paul more. I too cannot stop giving thanks for you, my new family of faith at Park Hill Baptist Church. I have nothing but praise for the way that you welcomed my family into yours. Your generous spirit and grace filled embrace were felt by every member of my family. For that, I am eternally grateful.

From the moment that I accepted your invitation to join with you as partners together in the work of the gospel, I have been in constant awe at how the Lord has orchestrated all of the events and choices that led to this momentous occasion. I could not have manufactured any part of this journey and see the hand of God at every turn. Thank you for joining me in this new adventure.

Please be in prayer for Amy and I as we pack up and move back to our new home. The load will be heavy for a while and we will need all the help we can get. So until we are together again on the 27th of October (Lord willing), know that we love you all and are proud to be part of the Park Hill story!